Sunday, 1 April 2012

My First Movie Blog Post

Ok, so on the insistance of several friends that I'm actually kind of good at reviewing and recomending movies, I decided it was time to do a blog.
Everytime I see a movie, new or old, I will review it here and give you my recommendations as both a Mum and movie fan.
A bit about me.
I have been watching movies since I was about 8 years old. I honestly can't remember what the first movie that I saw was. I have vague memories of it being Snow White, but not entirely certain of that.
Movies are an form of escapism. If I'm having a crap day, I'll go to my movie cupboard at night, pick something I love, grab a glass of wine, and lay on the couch. It's therapeutic and makes me forget about all that crap that's spinning around my world.

I have worked in the entertainment industry before, recently finishing a supervisors position at Blockbuster where I had a ball recommending movies to people. Sadly, our local shopping centre ousted us in favour of a TAB, leaving me jobless and wondering what to do with my skills.
So all I need to do now is have a go at this blogging thing, hope I get some followers and see where it takes me.

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