Sunday, 8 April 2012


Penelope (2006)
Starring: Christina Ricci, James McAvoy, Reese Witherspoon, Richard E. Grant, Catherine O'Hara.
Director: Mark Palansky

This is a beautiful little movie, that really didn't do as well as it should have. We have watched it many times over in our house and if you have a little girl who loves fairy tales, then this is the perfect movie. Ok, they do use the 's' word a few times, but it really doesn't stand out and it can be easily glazed over.
What stands out is the love story between Penelope (Christina Ricci) and Max/Johnny (James McAvoy). Penelope sadly inherits an old family curse and is born with the nose and ears of a pig. Other than that, she is a perfectly normal little girl, but her parents, especially her neurotic mother, played brilliantly by Catherine O'Hara, just can't seem to love her for who she is and instead spend most of her life finding a cure for the curse.
Enter Max Campion (James McAvoy), a down and out gambler who is tempted into trying to get a photo of the 'pig faced girl', by a reporter who saw her as a baby and has been trying to get a picture of her eversince, played by Peter Dinklage.
There are some brilliant actors in this movie, some you'll recognise but won't know their names. Some you'll know straight away and think that they're probably a little out of place, like Reese Witherspoon. Look out for Lenny Henry, Burn Gorman (Owen for you Torchwood fans out there) and Nick Frost.

The director manages to create a magical city that is one third American and two thirds British. Personally it's the British charm that does it for me. Even Penelope's bedroom, where she has spent most of her life hiding is a magical place.

Of course the main draw card for me is the scruffingly handsome pasty white Scottish boy, Mr James McAvoy himself. Can't help myself, he's a habit I don't intend breaking.

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